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Purchase Dust In The Wind

Bookcover43DDust In The Wind: Real FEMA Disaster Stories is now available in all formats at these retailers:

Amazon Kindle

Barnes & Noble

Apple iTunes


Printed version available in Paperback


Both books are available on Barnes & Noble’s Nook website and at these locations: Baker & Taylor’s Blio.comOyster, Koboon your Android phone at Aldiko and in library databases.



DisasterManual3DDisaster Manual for Financial Recovery now available:

Paperback edition

Amazon Kindle

Apple iTunes

Barnes & Noble






If you want to know more about what the author does in his spare time, check out his YOUTUBE channel. If you would like to donate to the author's NON-profit foundation for disaster victims, you can @ .

I wish there was a book like “Dust In The Wind” back then that I could have read and educated myself on how FEMA worked. It would have been very helpful. Read more of Mike’s story here.

This is a wonderful read. Human struggles after a natural disaster. Can’t wait for the next book.

Do yourself a favor and read Dust in the Wind. The book was very interesting-I was hooked from the first chapter. I’m looking forward to Robert’s next book!

I was really surprised as to how interesting this book was ! It kept me captivated and drew me into the personal life of a FEMA inspector. I liked reading about his many experiences while working the areas of natural disasters over a long period of time. It made me realize how easy it is to take for granted everyday pleasures (shelter, electricity, clean water, and food) and I also appreciated the practical and how-to info that was included. It felt it was a good mix of personal stories and real life events. If there is a book 2 I will be sure to get it!